00258900076, who called me?
Find if the phone number 00258900076 has been reported by our users, do not stand not knowing who calls you and who owns the phone number 00258900076. Have you received a call from this number and do not know who is?
Information about the phone 00258900076, 0025-8900076, (0025) 8900076, (0)-025-890-0076
Comments and reports for the phone 00258900076

00258900076 belongs to
fCH620zZ4jl Type of call:
Debt collectorReport by
bxQZutHfKL4K 8 years agoYou know what? I disagree. I think the world needs to scream 2802Youth Gone Wild” with them playing the big stages again. I really do. I could see them opening for Guns again, and then headlining on their own. Just like 1991. That would be awesome. You might not have the albums but I think Slave To The Grind and Subhuman Race are fucking brilliant albums — 5 stars a piece. I know HMO lists Slave as one of the albums that helped him get through the 90′s!(0)

00258900076 belongs to
bhTPSjT5M Type of call:
Agressive AdvertisingReport by
mVVdCCWl 8 years agoI do hope you post that phoahgrtpo! The art exhibition sounds fabulous too - we're off to see some art tonight ourselves, well it's art and videos being projects around buildings in Midtown which sounds worth a drive to see at least!(0)

00258900076 belongs to
vNJ28Amalb Type of call:
Debt collectorReport by
pZ5UtdHn 8 years agouten katlsaiipmen og drivkraften i den; PROFITT, sÃ¥ ville det ikke engang vært mulig Ã¥ brødfø dagens befolkning pÃ¥ jorden.Det er politisk riktig Ã¥ kjempe for klimaet og gi sin støtte til FN’s klimapanel. Det føles godt Ã¥ gjøre ting riktig, men det hjelper ikke nÃ¥r vi ikke gjør de riktige tingene.(1)

00258900076 belongs to
Unknown Type of call:
Possible scamReport by
Will 10 years agoCaller with Asian sounding accent & very bad line stated I had been awarded £1000 by UK Govt, I terminated the call after telling him I was aware of the scam(1)

00258900076 belongs to
? Type of call:
Possible scamReport by
John 10 years agopromised me £8,000 free grant from the UK Govt to do with as I pleased. Said I would use it to have a party for my friends and family. He hung up when I asked if his part of the Govt knew about the Telephone Preference Service(1)

Type of call:
Possible scamReport by
hamster 10 years agoThey told me I have got 8.000 and give me a nothere number 02032905985 to clame it with a 4 letter code (1)

00258900076 belongs to
unknown Type of call:
Possible scamReport by
Anonymous 10 years agoCalled about a \"government grant\". Obviously reading - badly - from a script. Suggested she got a proper job and stopped pestering people. Hung up.(1)

Type of call:
Possible scamReport by
Stephan cave 10 years agoTold me they uk government and i qualified for 8,000 pound grant i told them government are cutting not giving 1,500 people that kind of money thats conservatives for you and your a scam anyway so piss off(1)

Type of call:
UnspecifiedReport by
Anonym 10 years agogot a call today 15/9/15 from some foreign lady i could hardly understand saying she was from the UK GOVERMENT,i said there is no one called uk goverment,she said oh sorry the BRITISH GOVERMENT,then spoke in foreign & she hung up.sick of these foreign SCAM phonecalls!!!(1)

Type of call:
UnspecifiedReport by
Anonym 10 years agoI had a call from this number suggesting the same story that I am the lucky one chosen to get govt grant when I asked her to come to the point she said f\"...off and slam the phone down
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