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01618505763, who called me?

Find if the phone number 01618505763 has been reported by our users, do not stand not knowing who calls you and who owns the phone number 01618505763. Have you received a call from this number and do not know who is? Information about the phone 01618505763, 0161-8505763, (0161) 8505763, (0)-161-850-5763

Comments and reports for the phone 01618505763
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01618505763 belongs to Low life      Type of call: Harassment call
Report by To 7 years ago
I received this Number tel:01618505763 on my land line so I dialled from a mobile. Message in Asian told me”The Number you have dialled does not have enough credit to answer your phone. “
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Type of call: Unspecified
Report by Anonym 7 years ago
Paki/Indian saying l owed HMRC money and if l hung up the police would come knocking at my door and arrest me. Told him to go and get a real job lazy scamming b*****d
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Type of call: Possible scam
Report by Paul 7 years ago
Said to me too that the Inland Revenue were launching a law suit against me. Hung up straight away as I don't owe IR a penny so knew call was a scam.
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Type of call: Unspecified
Report by Anonym 7 years ago
spam,,,,,,do not ring back 1
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01618505763 belongs to Mrs Y. Fanthome      Type of call: Possible scam
Report by Fanthome 7 years ago
It's obviously scam call!! Beware of giving away personal information. Like another person report it, starts with an automated message apparently from HMIR saying of an apparent law suit against me?? But they were asking me to confirm full address and when I ask what it was all about the man in question had a very thick Indian/Pakistani accent who was speaking too fast for me to be able to understand or make sense of his phone when asked to repeat again for the 3rd time he hang on me 😂
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01618505763 belongs to Pakistani / Indian rip pff      Type of call: Possible scam
Report by K. Calder 7 years ago
I got the same message, some pakki trying to get personal details to rip me off. Told them to get stuffed and go rip off someone in their own country. Thieving c!@#$.
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01618505763 belongs to said they were HMRC based in London      Type of call: Possible scam
Report by man_against_spam 7 years ago
I got a call from this number to my landline.on answering it an automated messege stated "this is HMRC we need to talk to Mr j **** because we are raising a law suite (or some other serious action of that nature I can't recall exactly what it was) if you are Mr j **** press one now" so I did and was connected to a woman who said she was phoning from London (but 0161 is the code for Manchester!) and firstly needed to verify who she was talking too first but when she said back to me the address she claimed to have on record for me it was completely wrong and when i told her it wasn't my address she quickly hung up.IMPORTANT:-i noticed immediately that she had an Indian accent that she was trying to cover,the sound quality of the call was poor and the voices I could hear in the background didn't sound as if they were all sitting in an even reasonably modern office,with carpets,insulation and so on but more like an old class room or big portacabin! sorry for the long comment but I wouldn't want anyone to be caught out by such a devious call because mascerading as HMRC if you did believe it was them whose to say what kind of personal,financial and even wages related Information you or i could easily and innocently share with these kinds of fraudsters...
(1) Very helpful Not helpful
Type of call: Possible scam
Report by David 7 years ago
Said they were HMRC and were launching a law suit against me ??
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