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01618509926, who called me?

Find if the phone number 01618509926 has been reported by our users, do not stand not knowing who calls you and who owns the phone number 01618509926. Have you received a call from this number and do not know who is? Information about the phone 01618509926, 0161-8509926, (0161) 8509926, (0)-161-850-9926

Comments and reports for the phone 01618509926
(0) Very helpful Not helpful
Type of call: Unspecified
Report by Anonym 6 years ago
Received call from someone called Jack who said he was our EDF Account Manager and he said we had not replied to our renewal docs. I then became very suspicious as we had fixed our new contract to end of December 2018! Definately a scam from a broker!
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01618509926 belongs to Energy broker?      Type of call: Possible scam
Report by Roland 6 years ago
Some sort of energy broker cold calling and suggesting they might be from EDF and my contract is about to be renewed.
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Type of call: Agressive Advertising
Report by Anonym 6 years ago
Rude, noisy call centre claiming to be npower
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01618509926 belongs to Rhys(sp?) from Ecosave      Type of call: Agressive Advertising
Report by Gareth 7 years ago
Broker calling pretending to be my electricity company. Know which company I'm with and said they'd had a message from company saying I hadn't responded to renewal paperwork. I'm not due to renew for another 3 years and hung up when I said it was arranged through another broker. It's a scam trying to worry customers into making a rash decision
(0) Very helpful Not helpful
Type of call: Agressive Advertising
Report by Anonym 7 years ago
Say they are calling from E.on. They aren't
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Type of call: Agressive Advertising
Report by Anonym 8 years ago
Pretending to be from Western Power. Beware its a broker.
(1) Very helpful Not helpful
01618509926 belongs to business renewals      Type of call: Trustworthy number
Report by Gwen McGreggor 8 years ago
called me monday. Didnt realise i was due for renewal, had my npower account now for 11 years, had my rate through and wasnt happy. Danny was dealing with it and he got me a great discount. with npower now for another 3 years :-D
(0) Very helpful Not helpful
Type of call: Agressive Advertising
Report by Ddl 8 years ago
I got a call from this number also claiming to be from my electricity supplier and they are not
(0) Very helpful Not helpful
01618509926 belongs to Danny @ Ecosave      Type of call: Trustworthy number
Report by Mark Fields 8 years ago
recently took over my parents dairy farm and had 5 metres around the site. Danny helped me go through them all and explained everything to me in detail as it was my first time dealing with the accounts. Got me a great deal and will definitely be calling him again. Great service
(0) Very helpful Not helpful
01618509926 belongs to Electricity & Gas      Type of call: Trustworthy number
Report by Nigel Bailey 9 years ago
i have accounts with british gas, EON and SSE, Spoke to Danny as i was due for renewal and he managed to merge them all together and save me around £1200 a year over the next 3 years, Fantastic!
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