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01619790711, who called me?

Find if the phone number 01619790711 has been reported by our users, do not stand not knowing who calls you and who owns the phone number 01619790711. Have you received a call from this number and do not know who is? Information about the phone 01619790711, 0161-9790711, (0161) 9790711, (0)-161-979-0711

Comments and reports for the phone 01619790711
(0) Very helpful Not helpful
Type of call: Unspecified
Report by Anonym 10 years ago
They are Red Star Financial Services of Manchester. Hung Up on them and now blocked!
(0) Very helpful Not helpful
01619790711 belongs to unknown      Type of call: Possible scam
Report by Gareth 10 years ago
This number phoned me asked my name and put the phone down I rang back and got put on hold. ?? Scam
(0) Very helpful Not helpful
Type of call: Harassment call
Report by Anonym 10 years ago
Said they were from Red something, about money I was owed from banks/credit card etc. Said I wasn\'t interested & he became very aggressive on the phone.
(1) Very helpful Not helpful
Type of call: Missed Call
Report by Paula 10 years ago
I did not answer and I am happy I did not now, after finding out it is a scam. I could see the phone call was form Manchester. I have put it on reject list. It is true that when you ask them details, they just hang up on you! But they are very annoying and I keep asking myself where did they get the phone numbers from. I think there are big companies such as phone providers that sell the customers\' phone numbers to such scams!
(1) Very helpful Not helpful
Type of call: Unspecified
Report by Anonym 10 years ago
Wanted to sort out some refund and asked whether I have taken out any credit card with Barclays or LLoyds before 2009.
(1) Very helpful Not helpful
01619790711 belongs to Some dodgy firm in Manchester      Type of call: Agressive Advertising
Report by W.Macfarlane 10 years ago
Said they were phoning about some information they wanted to send me,when i asked what the information was they hung up. Have called me again 4times in 2hours.DONT ANSWER
(2) Very helpful Not helpful
Type of call: Missed Call
Report by Sheila 10 years ago
12.01pm. just had a call from this number on my mobile. I dont give out my mobile number to any companies/banks/anyone who might pester me when I am driving. My phone automatically rejected them; sounds as though it was just as well. I always check on who called me before ringing back in case I get charged for the call.
(2) Very helpful Not helpful
01619790711 belongs to Some Indian sounding male      Type of call: Unspecified
Report by Anonym 10 years ago
same thing. Call themselves Red funnel finances or something. Vague details, and when they got it wrong they keep fishing...
(0) Very helpful Not helpful
Type of call: Possible scam
Report by Anonym 10 years ago
Called 11.07 20/08/15 Was about a supposed \'refund\' from a \'line of credit\' from a company in Manchester. They were vague about what the \'line of credit\' was and even the year from when it was taken. Definitely a scam.
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