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01619790713, who called me?

Find if the phone number 01619790713 has been reported by our users, do not stand not knowing who calls you and who owns the phone number 01619790713. Have you received a call from this number and do not know who is? Information about the phone 01619790713, 0161-9790713, (0161) 9790713, (0)-161-979-0713

Comments and reports for the phone 01619790713
(0) Very helpful Not helpful
Type of call: Unspecified
Report by shaz 10 years ago
This phone num keeps mitherin me
(0) Very helpful Not helpful
Type of call: Unspecified
Report by Anonym 10 years ago
These people have been ringing me non stop. Yesterday 9/7/15 they rang again I told them to stop calling me, they became very aggressive and had the cheek to ask me why I was so angry. They have rang me again at 10.25 today!
(0) Very helpful Not helpful
01619790713 belongs to ?      Type of call: Unspecified
Report by RP MacMurphy 10 years ago
Never left message so barred - phoning people all day trying to waste everybody\'s time must be one demoralising job - feel more sorry for the callers surely there must be better jobs they can do such as a u-bend unblocker or something like that?
(1) Very helpful Not helpful
01619790713 belongs to RED Star      Type of call: Possible scam
Report by Anonym 10 years ago
I was called for the 15th time by this number!!! when I finally answered it was a company called Red Star. They were calling to ask me if I have paid protection for any loans or credit I have had in the past. I was a polite as possible and told her no, I haven\'t had any credit agreements that had PPI. After asking me about any possible payments I was paying out for my bank account and getting an emphatic NO she said, I will update your details and HOPEFULLY you wont get called again........ Too right I wont because I have blocked that number and any further calls from a number with that area code will be ignored. My advice to them or anyone else trying to scam me or anyone else for that matter. LEAVE A MESSAGE and then I can delete it at my leisure. NUF SAID!!!
(1) Very helpful Not helpful
01619790713 belongs to don\'t know      Type of call: Missed Call
Report by Louise M 10 years ago
These guys have been calling me constantly for days. My mobile is on silent at work, so I never get to hear it ringing or pick up - thank goodness!
(2) Very helpful Not helpful
01619790713 belongs to ?      Type of call: Unspecified
Report by RP MacMurphy 10 years ago
Never left message so barred - phoning people all day trying to waste everybody\'s time must be one demoralising job - feel more sorry for the callers surely there must be better jobs they can do such as a u-bend unblocker or something like that?
(0) Very helpful Not helpful
01619790713 belongs to Red Star      Type of call: Harassment call
Report by Denise 10 years ago
Red Star - wanting to send documentation. Googled, they are PPI
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