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01619790919, who called me?

Find if the phone number 01619790919 has been reported by our users, do not stand not knowing who calls you and who owns the phone number 01619790919. Have you received a call from this number and do not know who is? Information about the phone 01619790919, 0161-9790919, (0161) 9790919, (0)-161-979-0919

Comments and reports for the phone 01619790919
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01619790919 belongs to PPI      Type of call: Possible scam
Report by ADolan 9 years ago
Got several calls from these people,I have repeatly asked them to take my number off ther call plan.No Joy. Asked for a line manager today,Girl put me on hold came back saying she was a manager(same girl) and then hung up.PPI Shite!
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01619790919 belongs to Company name not given      Type of call: Harassment call
Report by powered_by_pies 9 years ago
Some woman in a ridiculously noisy office talking about PPI refund I was 'owed', could barely hear a word she was saying. I told her I'd had a PPI search done already by a reputable company and nothing had come back, she started talking about god knows what, I ended the call and blocked the number.
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01619790919 belongs to ASIAN WOMAN      Type of call: Possible scam
Report by Anonym 9 years ago
Phoned me up and woman pretended to be English but spoke with a foreign accent, probably Asian. Said she was phoning regarding my "refund" and asking if I had received it. Told her to put the phone down as I was not going to fall for her scam and would report the number to the Telephone Preference Service. I suggest you all do the same so that these nasty a**holes get their comeuppance
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01619790919 belongs to PPI W*nkers      Type of call: Possible scam
Report by JHall 9 years ago
Have been calling me all week!! PPI Scammers - told me I would be receiving a letter in 2 working days confirming I was entitled to £2,000 due to PPI. Would not stop talking and started asking for details. Told her to remove my details from their system and not call me again at which point she became rude and I hung up and blocked the number.
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Type of call: Missed Call
Report by NK 9 years ago
Missed a call from this number this morning. Thanks for he info above. I wont be calling them back.
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Type of call: Unspecified
Report by Anonym 9 years ago
left phone on speaker, kept quiet, in the end he called me a cunt then hung up. sounded funny in a strange accent
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Type of call: Possible scam
Report by LCav 9 years ago
SCAM 100% Told me I had a refund and my address too send the paperwork. I laughed and said why would I give you my address, he said I already have it. Tell me my address I said, his reply, I can't give information out. Not going to record what I said next.
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01619790919 belongs to insurance claims      Type of call: Possible scam
Report by PARDOE 9 years ago
called about insurance refund and had i got the documentation in the post, never heard of them and havent paid for any insurance, he was very persistent however i still hung up- to which he called back and i ignored it! dont know where they have got my number from
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Type of call: Possible scam
Report by RMclellan 9 years ago
Phoned telling me that I had won money and asked if I had received a letter. Told them it was a scam and hung up.
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