02031291406, who called me?
Find if the phone number 02031291406 has been reported by our users, do not stand not knowing who calls you and who owns the phone number 02031291406. Have you received a call from this number and do not know who is?
Information about the phone 02031291406, 0203-1291406, (0203) 1291406, (0)-203-129-1406
Comments and reports for the phone 02031291406

02031291406 belongs to
XM6LrLpm Type of call:
Possible scamReport by
jnHdCcAWY 8 years agoMs. Ransae-Janid: I did not think you were slamming America at all – rather, you rightly point out that our media is the culprit. We can only learn about what we read or see, and if the media is slanted toward certain stories about our government, then we will have to dig deeper to find other news. Thanks for your blog so that we have other options!(0)

02031291406 belongs to
eMdL6aQHS1JU Type of call:
Trustworthy numberReport by
nzmzVFQCzxMg 8 years agoGorgeous card again hun, so sorry you lost all your stuff, gosh I would go spare if that happened to me.....I have been having trouble with comments on blogger for a couple of days now, sometimes it just won't let me do them...very miffed with it to say the lelx.t..loa...sx(0)

02031291406 belongs to
TGlraL645PCz Type of call:
Missed CallReport by
ZM3TtjJwsZ 8 years agoImagina esse cara aqui em São Paulo, nessa velocidade, com esse carro baixinho e passa um motoboy na frente dele…coitado do motoboy…vai sair uma tropa de uns 200 motoqueiros atrás do cara querendo vingar o moohyob…hahata(Dai o cara teria que virar o kartNINJA!! hehehe)(1)

02031291406 belongs to
Scammers Type of call:
Possible scamReport by
K Jones 9 years ago\"Mike\" apparently (strong Asian accent) took the time this afternoon to inform me that he is from windows tech dept and that I have a problems on my computer blah, blah, blah. Load of rubbish, a scam. (1)

Type of call:
Possible scamReport by
mrs barry 9 years agohad a call about 5.45 pm today from this number someone called jack higley unfortunetly I did switch on my computer and they did go on my files remotely showing me reports that were critical.said will call back and I was to hang up and call them have I been hacked this is the number they gave me didn't check if that was number called from(2)

02031291406 belongs to
Windows? Type of call:
Possible scamReport by
Edward Cartewr 9 years agoSaid they were from Windows and gave me a call back number of 02031291406 but they called (according to 1471) from 001226490001. Said someone was hacking my computer to get bank details and they could help me to stop this. I put the phone down having wasted their time. Looks v much like a scam to me.

Type of call:
Possible scamReport by
N Charles 9 years agoCalled claiming to be microsoft and wanting to help me deal with malware. Heavy Asian accent but claiming to be called Frank Martin. Gave me my computer ID and wanted me to log in then and there. I thought it was a scam and it seems I was right.(2)

02031291406 belongs to
Claiming to be Microsoft Type of call:
Possible scamReport by
IreneD 9 years agoAs with other comments - Peter Wilson (with a very heavy asian accent) phoned saying he was from Microsoft and said my computer had been hacked over the last 2 weeks and I needed to start it up and follow his instructions to make the computer safe again. Gave me this phone number, his staff number (MCW2012) and my computer registration ID (supposedly). He got very agitated when I said I would not be doing as he asked and that I would phone Microsoft directly myself to check on this!(2)

02031291406 belongs to
Peter Wilson Type of call:
Possible scamReport by
Flossie 9 years agoPhoned to say I had a virus on my computer which he cold sort if I let him log in!!
Peter Wilson was the name he gave .02031291406 the telephone number for me to phone back and authenticate he was from Windows.Did not engage as obv a scam.(1)

02031291406 belongs to
Not sure Type of call:
UnspecifiedReport by
Lee Bruton 9 years agoThis guy phoned my mum who is a pensioner telling her he was Windows and there was issue with her computer, she told him she did not know what he was talking about. After this she hung up and called me her son slightly worried, I phoned this company and I could not understand but told him in future not to call my mum, who recently had suffered a stroke. Surely something can be done about these low life fraudsters. This causes so muck anxiety for most people.
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