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02031291406, who called me?

Find if the phone number 02031291406 has been reported by our users, do not stand not knowing who calls you and who owns the phone number 02031291406. Have you received a call from this number and do not know who is? Information about the phone 02031291406, 0203-1291406, (0203) 1291406, (0)-203-129-1406

Comments and reports for the phone 02031291406
(1) Very helpful Not helpful
Type of call: Possible scam
Report by Liz 9 years ago
Asian man called Peter Wilson phoned to say he was from Windows help and support and to say our computer had flagged up with them as facing threats. He gave me the phone number and address 100 Victoria street London, I assume because he wanted to come across as genuine. You would think someone would trace these people and and sort them out.
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02031291406 belongs to David Roberts??      Type of call: Possible scam
Report by DI 9 years ago
A man with a heavy asian accent claiming to be David Roberts called claiming to be from the Windows Help and Support Service, based at Manchester Victoria Street, London. He said my computer was infected with malware, in spite of having up-to-date antivirus and that to confirm his identity he wanted me to confirm that the serial number for my copy of Windows was the same as the one he read out to me. I told him I would check on him and rang a MS help line who informed me that MS Windows will never contact users in this way. When David Roberts rang back I told him I would report him and did so on-line to Action Fraud.
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02031291406 belongs to technician      Type of call: Trustworthy number
Report by sheila 9 years ago
confused but the caller told me exactly what my pc was facing.
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02031291406 belongs to do not know      Type of call: Possible scam
Report by PM 9 years ago
Recorded message supposedly from HMRC, left at 7:30 in the evening demanding that I call them back the second I received the message!!!
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02031291406 belongs to dont know      Type of call: Possible scam
Report by joan mason 9 years ago
he says he is from world wide web windows says he needed me to go in my comp as I have bad things on it I\'m a pensioner I was frightened as I know nothing about computers but facebook and my games he upset me I put phone down on him he kept ringing saying it is not a scam he said they have my ip address and bad thigs are on my computer I only play my games he asked me to access my comp so he could clean it
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Type of call: Possible scam
Report by Anonym 9 years ago
Very persistent caller stated that my computer had been invaded by malware and viruses, and that he had to remedy it online. I said that I didn't trust him. He even gave me a number to ring (quoted above), saying that he was from Global IT in London. When I persisted in refusing to trust him, he said that he would have to block my computer and that I'd have to buy a new one. I told him several times to terminate the call. In the end I hung up on him. Dialling 1471 I found that he'd been calling from 0441226490001. Give these numbers a very large dose of disbelief.
(0) Very helpful Not helpful
Type of call: Possible scam
Report by p price 9 years ago
This Asian man called Max just phoned, said he was from UR ONLINE PARTNER for windows. Said i had threats and virus in my computer. The Address he gave me 11 VICTORIA STREET LONDON .Headquarter Building. I told him my computer was not working and he said he would close my window account down, it did make me think so i told him i don`t use it a lot.He was very keen for me to go on to my computer. I told him i would check his details.He said ring me back in 10 minutes and i told him no i was to busy, he did not like that. Go with your gut, if you feel it is a scam it probably is.
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02031291406 belongs to Uronline      Type of call: Possible scam
Report by Julie 10 years ago
Call from a Mr Peter Wilson stating my computer has virus\'s and lots of threats and that he would talk me through how l can fix my computer and see all the threats and virus\'s l have. When asked for his name and number he hesitated to give me the information
(0) Very helpful Not helpful
Type of call: Unspecified
Report by Dave Wright 10 years ago
This number given is for Uronline Tech Support or so they say. If this is so, why am I seeing lots of people that this is a scam. Looking up Uronline offiicial website they quote this 2031291406 . I\'m confused
(1) Very helpful Not helpful
Type of call: Possible scam
Report by RW 10 years ago
call from an alleged mike wilson advised company name is On Line technology partners limited. He advised me my computer was being used for criminal purposes that unless i cooperated he would block the ID of my computer. When does someone close these people down??
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