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02031294153, who called me?

Find if the phone number 02031294153 has been reported by our users, do not stand not knowing who calls you and who owns the phone number 02031294153. Have you received a call from this number and do not know who is? Information about the phone 02031294153, 0203-1294153, (0203) 1294153, (0)-203-129-4153

Comments and reports for the phone 02031294153
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02031294153 belongs to R0EksEtTiI      Type of call: Harassment call
Report by waN78S9dHa 8 years ago
Det man kan frÃ¥ga sej är om nÃ¥gon vÃ¥gar spela i IFK Ore om dom vÃv¤rar denna spelare =) För att inte tala om nÃ¥got lag vÃ¥gar möta IFK Ore =)
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02031294153 belongs to AyGVwv8rp8      Type of call: Debt collector
Report by BEGvzy16l78 8 years ago
A mi una persona que se equivoca tanto hablando, denota falta de inteligencia y pienso que está "mandada" por... &qtle;aoguitn&quou;. y sino tiempo al tiempo.Y si el pueblo no es tonto del todo... las próximas elecciones deberian ser sorpresivas.Saludos
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02031294153 belongs to fwqtGlzKt      Type of call: Fake id
Report by CibbBuyNKkL 8 years ago
I don’t knw3Ro0;I hadn’t heard that, but I’ll see what I can find out. I just got something from a friend on cinnamon and honey and the things that it’s good for. I’ll e-mail it to you!
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02031294153 belongs to erUmzvC1gqLs      Type of call: Fake id
Report by aCXpp4Bn5xx 8 years ago
Oh, quick question for BUILD: Can you point me to an example of the type of gutter clip you use with these custom gutters? I&8271#;m working on a small shed project and would love to integrate your solution.
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02031294153 belongs to Indian idiots      Type of call: Possible scam
Report by Sarah.c 9 years ago
They are such idiots and took over £200 and cut off the phone. They said that there was something wrong with my laptop. They opened Notepad and I knew what they were doing because my friend had the same problem. 100% scam. They had a very strong Indian accent. They probably don't have a life so they go nick other peoples money.
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02031294153 belongs to Talk Talk supposedly      Type of call: Possible scam
Report by Steph 9 years ago
Call supposedly from Daniel Williams at Talktalk (Unavailable number appers on phone) regarding the increasing errors they have seen on my internet connection over the last few months. They wanted to go to my computer so that they could clear them which I told them I hadn't got time for at the moment as I guessed it was a scam. I said that I would call back so that I could get their number and check. Lots of background noise and sounded like it was an Indian call centre.
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02031294153 belongs to Fake TalkTalk      Type of call: Possible scam
Report by Ray Cooper 9 years ago
The usual TalkTalk scammers. keep them on the phone,go onto a porn site and play a smutty film to them..Funny thing is,they don't hang up for ages.
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Type of call: Possible scam
Report by Mrs W. 9 years ago
Have received several calls from Someone supposedly to be from Talk Talk saying there is a fault showing on my my broadband connection which could harm my Computer. They told me to go and switch on my computer and they would talk me through the procedure as they said there were files hiding behind files. After about 4 calls in which l did nothing l asked for a number to call back. When l googled this number l found out that it was a scam.
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02031294153 belongs to \"Abby Smith\" Talk-Talk      Type of call: Possible scam
Report by Anonym 9 years ago
100% scam
(1) Very helpful Not helpful
Type of call: Possible scam
Report by David 9 years ago
Refund scam call. worrying that they had all my details and were able to slow down my internet. Said due £200 but credited (or it looked like credited) my account with much more. Wanted me to refund via Moneygram to Congo or China. I think not and have invoked the curse of the seven snotty urchins upon them.
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