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02031294153, who called me?

Find if the phone number 02031294153 has been reported by our users, do not stand not knowing who calls you and who owns the phone number 02031294153. Have you received a call from this number and do not know who is? Information about the phone 02031294153, 0203-1294153, (0203) 1294153, (0)-203-129-4153

Comments and reports for the phone 02031294153
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Type of call: Unspecified
Report by David 9 years ago
Same story as son many other people - \"Jack\" from TalkTalk Tech Dept called me. He said I had viruses etc and could help me get rid of them. Was I in front of my PC? stc etc I took his number 0203129413 - he even gave me an employee ID.
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02031294153 belongs to Talk Talk      Type of call: Possible scam
Report by Meirion Thomas 10 years ago
I had the same experience and I was directed to a site which showed that I had an expired security certificate which TalkTalk took full responsibility for and I was entitled to a refund of £199. This phone number was given to \'convince\' me that it was a genuine TalkTalk call and the person on this number was a Stacy Wilson. You are ultimately directed to a page which shows what appear to be genuine sites for most major banks complete with apparent secure status. There were no stupid spelling mistakes which is the usual give away. All the voices that spoke to me were distinctly Asian sounding.
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Type of call: Possible scam
Report by Cloughy 10 years ago
Maria from Talk Talk just rang problem with router I asked for her number to ring back definitely a scam
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02031294153 belongs to Fake Talk Talk      Type of call: Possible scam
Report by Ges 10 years ago
Just had the same thing, told me there was a \"glitch\" on my internet and there was a great security risk, asked them for a number so I could call back, this was the number \"Maria\" gave me.Somehow I don\'t think I\'ll be calling her back, just about to report it to Talk Talk.
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02031294153 belongs to Supposedly Talk Talk      Type of call: Possible scam
Report by Andy G 10 years ago
Beware scamming scum, just had a call from some Indian Muppet trying to tell me he was from talk talk & their system shows that my computer is reporting a slow Internet connection. What a load of crap my connection is exactly the same speed it\'s always been.
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02031294153 belongs to pretending to be talk talk      Type of call: Possible scam
Report by Thomas 10 years ago
I had the exact same experience as Jimmy Anderson (the indian version). Pretends to be from Talk Talk. Tells me my connection has been running slow. Tries to get me to access details. Sounds like Indian Call Centre though gave me this tel no - I tried to call it back and the line was really bad sounded like it took i while to connect therefore I presume it was connecting to india? beware
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02031294153 belongs to TALK TALK SCAMMERS      Type of call: Possible scam
Report by Mr. G 10 years ago
1st things 1st - LEAVE TALK TALK today and do yourself a favour!! Just been called and quoted someone else\'s full Talk Talk account details, full name, address, account number etc, etc trying to convince us that they were from Talk Talk technical and had the correct account numbert. Even used the name Abby Smith (yeah right!) Told him he was a complete scammer and to **** off, he persisted by quoting the 02031294153 number as Talk Talk so that I could check. Keen to get me in front of my computer, usual scam, noticed unusual activity and wanted to help me remove them from my computer. I said o.k., what\'s your managers name and who owns Talk Talk to which they put the phone down. Regular calls 3 times a day on the ex-directory number Talk Talk provided. Paying off Talk Talk to never use them or any associated companies again!
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02031294153 belongs to Daniel Williams      Type of call: Possible scam
Report by Andy 10 years ago
I received a call on 21/11/2015 at approx 0715. The number was withheld and the caller stated they were from TalkTalk. The caller suggested that were were problems with my broadband connection and asked me to boot it up. Having done that, he asked my to start Event Viewer, and showed me a list of several hundred errors, which he could fix. He then asked my to go to the website: \"\" and after a couple of tries, an executable called smpc.exe was downloaded to my PC. By now, I was alert to the scam, but as I have some experience of software, I knew that this .exe was a VNC type tool which would enable the caller to take control of my PC. I told the caller that I would be able to fix the errors he had shown me, and that I didn\'t need his help. His tone of voice changed and he was unable to understand why I didn\'t want his help. When I suggested that I call him back, he continued to attempt to prove that he was calling from TalkTalk, even reciting my account number. I don\'t however remember him calling me by my name at any point. I told him that I would research this .exe and call him back. He gave me the above number and his name \'Daniel Williams\' - an unusual name for a gentleman with an Indian accent. My advice, if you get calls early in the morning, asking you to boot your computer and download stuff. Don\'t do it. I suspect TalkTalk have enough to do without very kindly calling users to tell THEM that they have broadband issues.
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Type of call: Possible scam
Report by Anon 10 years ago
I have had two calls this morning from this number saying after the talk talk hack my computer was now downloading virus\'s. The first guy gave name of Steve Finn and the second was Fiona Bruce and they state they are in London. I have no inentions of communicating with these people.
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02031294153 belongs to Not talktalk      Type of call: Possible scam
Report by Jackie 10 years ago
Hi had a call today from \'Peter\'. The number was withheld and he said he was from talktalk and that I had problems with my computer. He gave me a number which he said was my computer licence id which apparently is common to lots of people and not just me. I said I was unhappy giving him any details and I would call him back. He gave me the above number. Called talktalk helpline direct which is an 0870 number and they said they never call people. They reported it to the fraud team.
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