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02031988112, who called me?

Find if the phone number 02031988112 has been reported by our users, do not stand not knowing who calls you and who owns the phone number 02031988112. Have you received a call from this number and do not know who is? Information about the phone 02031988112, 0203-1988112, (0203) 1988112, (0)-203-198-8112

Comments and reports for the phone 02031988112
(1) Very helpful Not helpful
Type of call: Sweepstakes / lottery
Report by Anonym 3 years ago
bunadisisj nsjjsjsisjsmizjzjjzjzz zumzsert
(2) Very helpful Not helpful
Type of call: Missed Call
Report by NYC NY long distance moving companies 4 years ago
Awesome blog! Is your concept customized produced or did you obtain it from somewhere? A style like yours by using a several simple tweeks would genuinely make my site leap out. Be sure to let me know in which you acquired your theme. With thanks
(1) Very helpful Not helpful
02031988112 belongs to joeH23CfHf      Type of call: Agressive Advertising
Report by jydf5249 8 years ago
Grim (2)-So how come Capital One (COF)- whose stock has recently drawn intense short interest- reported during their latest quarterly report that defaults are DOWN?The short interest around COF was fueled by speculation that its defaults would rise significantly, as COH extends significant consumer credit to higher-risk segments.Now, COF, sporting one of the lowest P/Es in the sector, has reported quality earnings, and the shorts are getting squeezed out.Economic challenges exist everywhere, but the pit&ruec#8217;s just not as bad as some might wish.
(2) Very helpful Not helpful
02031988112 belongs to phjIGWm0XV      Type of call: Sweepstakes / lottery
Report by 6PfRmbn98OZ 8 years ago
Hi Jeremy,my friends and I are planning a trip to Accra for the weekend. Can you reccommend a nice hotel to stay in? Nothing too pricey as we are on a tight but.degP.S. sorry for bothering you like this.
(0) Very helpful Not helpful
02031988112 belongs to Kstw2FQ8vz6Q      Type of call: Trustworthy number
Report by oznW6LB6 8 years ago
Beautiful spring colours! I love all the cointasrtng shapes and textures you've got going on here. ANd I do especially love the little bird bracelet of yours :-)
(2) Very helpful Not helpful
02031988112 belongs to C7KWVfesOxc      Type of call: Trustworthy number
Report by VLB0S8Y9k6y 8 years ago
The campaign sentence is plain false.Also there is a coartndiction between them (CSPI) being called consumer advocacy group and them campaigning against consumption. (against 50% of sweetened drinks consumption)
(2) Very helpful Not helpful
02031988112 belongs to SVWVDAhxZ1GQ      Type of call: Fake id
Report by El5ab9o7mobN 8 years ago
Nobody died in the Watergate scandal, and it wasn’t international or dangerous. This SHOULD be bigger than Watergate. But with our MS;2#8230Mlet&17;s just say they have really big brooms and an even bigger rug.
(1) Very helpful Not helpful
Type of call: Possible scam
Report by Martin 9 years ago
BEWARE OF SCAM FROM THIS NUMBER. The person supposedly had a classic car for sale and it is all fake. The usual "give me a 50% deposit and I will ship the car" etc. I had this number provided by the "seller" in an email.
(1) Very helpful Not helpful
Type of call: Possible scam
Report by Phil 9 years ago
I\'ve started getting calls from these after reporting a fault to BT. Scammers block them if you are able
(1) Very helpful Not helpful
02031988112 belongs to Scammers      Type of call: Possible scam
Report by TiM 9 years ago
Funny how these scam calls hit my land line straight after submitting a line fault to British Telecom! Looks like some staff in BT foreign call centers and BT online chat etc, work for these scammers. Gave my mobile to BT online chat person as an alternative to landline, due to a line fault and started receiving scam PPI calls minutes later. Never had mobile scam calls before then.
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