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02032904504, who called me?

Find if the phone number 02032904504 has been reported by our users, do not stand not knowing who calls you and who owns the phone number 02032904504. Have you received a call from this number and do not know who is? Information about the phone 02032904504, 0203-2904504, (0203) 2904504, (0)-203-290-4504

Comments and reports for the phone 02032904504
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02032904504 belongs to paul martin      Type of call: Possible scam
Report by nearly gullible 7 years ago
I have had several calls from this number claiming to be the City County Court of London I had a outstanding claim which was for surprise surprise was for £3100 and insisted I paid by PAYASAFE vouchers up front DO NOY PAY UP FRONT FOR ANYTHING
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02032904504 belongs to Jonathan Rogers/Paul Martin      Type of call: Possible scam
Report by Anonym 7 years ago
I too got strange vibes about this call. City County Court of London? Really. Even though the operator had my address they were unwilling me the cheque and insist I purchase Paysafe vouchers up front... I am VERY suspicious of this call. The amount for me was also exactly £3100 too
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02032904504 belongs to Paul Martin      Type of call: Possible scam
Report by Anonym 7 years ago
WARNING. I got very strange vibes from this phone call. It was in reference to a PPI claim that did not exist as I had my PPI looked at and had no claim. The claim was also for £3100, and was held by the City County Court of London. A quick Internet searching will show this is a SCAM. No one will ask you to pay to release money that is rightfully yours.
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02032904504 belongs to PPI      Type of call: Trustworthy number
Report by Nolan-Smith 7 years ago
I was contacted by this number for my PPI reclaim mis-sold amount. They called me from county court of London to deliver my claim check amounting 3100 pound and they delivered me my cheque amount 3100 Pounds. I am really happy to receive this amount after a long time. It was a surprise gift for me from my bank. I heartily thankful to Dispatch Team of County court of London that you fought for our rights. Thank you for the great work.
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