02032905985, who called me?
Find if the phone number 02032905985 has been reported by our users, do not stand not knowing who calls you and who owns the phone number 02032905985. Have you received a call from this number and do not know who is?
Information about the phone 02032905985, 0203-2905985, (0203) 2905985, (0)-203-290-5985
Comments and reports for the phone 02032905985

Type of call:
UnspecifiedReport by
Anonym 9 years agoJust had a call asking me to ring this number. The guy talking to me was American when I asked him his name he said Billy Joe great I was talking to a cowboy in more sense than one!! Needles to say I have not rung the number he gave me. 8K indeed from the government that will be the day!!(1)

Type of call:
Possible scamReport by
Lisa BH 10 years agoThink I may have upset the caller when i suggested it was a scam call.... \"How dare you madam\" and \"are you deaf?\" were jsut a few of his comments. Kept the guy talking for a good 15 mins, he especially got agitated when I told him I was a part of the MET Fraud team (which I am not , obvs). Fun morning so far...silly scammers!(1)

Type of call:
UnspecifiedReport by
bret 10 years ago£1000 gov good person award
gave code cd 121
his caller ID 002389001076(1)

02032905985 belongs to
government Type of call:
Possible scamReport by
sonia 10 years agoWas told had been granted £3000 from government for being a good citizen.and told to ring this number. Did\'nt come down in last shower. obviously a scam!!! (1)

02032905985 belongs to
\"Government Grant Department\" Type of call:
Possible scamReport by
Donald 10 years agoThis scam continues, unabashed. I received a similar call yesterday (21 Oct 2015), ostensibly from \"02389001076\" but telling me to call 02032905985 to claim my grant. Surely the authorities must know to whom this number belongs? Why are these pests not dealt with? Is Ofcom itself just a scam? They probably take more of our money (for nothing in return) than all the other telephone scammers lumped together.(1)

02032905985 belongs to
S Khan Type of call:
Possible scamReport by
Anonym 10 years agoIve had a call from this number too. the accent is foreign and I was struggling to understand. Yes I was told I\'m awarded £8000 grant for being loyal to the government, no criminal record etc. I asked him is there a catch, he said for more info the ring the number 0203 5985. He told me not to give anyone my activation code MT2570. he didn\'t ask me to confirm my name, date of birth or anything, just asked if I was the homeowner. (2)

02032905985 belongs to
UK Government (fictitious) Grants Dept. Type of call:
Possible scamReport by
Scam Buster 10 years agoThis is a scam. Caller told me that I had been awarded £8k by the government for being a good citizen. Yeah, right! Had this type of call a few times now. The long and short of it is this: you are given this number to ring to claim your £8k. There is a £210 (at the moment) admin charge. Of course, you never receive the £8k. Tracing the phone number shows that it belongs to a rented office at: 1st Floor, 330 Holborn Gate, High Holborn, London, WC4 7QT.
Police - please feel free to investigate.

Type of call:
SurveyReport by
David 10 years agoSame as above - tried to waste as much of their time as possible then just asked one question.. \"Do you think I\'m ****ing stupid\".. which resulted in an equivalent exchange of abuse. Assume it won\'t change anything but maybe, just maybe, it may affect his day... (1)

Type of call:
SurveyReport by
David 10 years agoSame as above - tried to waste as much of their time as possible then just asked one question.. \"Do you think I\'m ****ing stupid\".. which resulted in an equivalent exchange of abuse. Assume it won\'t change anything but maybe, just maybe, it may affect his day... (1)

02032905985 belongs to
non-English female Type of call:
Possible scamReport by
Jo 10 years agoI took this call one hour ago. I am offered £8000 because I am not bankrupt, pay taxes, etc and the government has selected 1,700 people to receive this grant!
I was asked to call this number and quote AC777. I said I wanted the \"grant\" in cash.
Oh well, it was a quiet afternoon, otherwise.
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