02032907142, who called me?
Find if the phone number 02032907142 has been reported by our users, do not stand not knowing who calls you and who owns the phone number 02032907142. Have you received a call from this number and do not know who is?
Information about the phone 02032907142, 0203-2907142, (0203) 2907142, (0)-203-290-7142
Comments and reports for the phone 02032907142

02032907142 belongs to
e1RzaHNTzsl8 Type of call:
Missed CallReport by
vIKVQo28uCm 8 years agoBetter get all the ramen, water, guns and ammo you can. People are going to look back on the first bank runs and we-onlkeg exchange shutdowns as the good old days.(1)

02032907142 belongs to
CumiR3BsvR Type of call:
Trustworthy numberReport by
FPRiMznNUT2 8 years agola dernière fois j’ai entendu miauler , terriblement , j’ai chercher dans la zone pavillonnaire …mais je n’ai pas trouvé d’où ça venait …il fait froid , les gens sont calfeutrés chez eux …et ils oublient leurs animaux ; J&p1¨87;es#Ã2re juste que ce chat à finit par retrouver la chaleur de son foyer ou s’il n’était à personne que quelqu’un lui ai ouvert une porte !(1)

02032907142 belongs to
BmjBNGs4v Type of call:
SurveyReport by
8NI75vaBUhf 8 years agoMuy copada! Se ve buenisima, ex0#8ente&el23c; La vengo buscando hace como un mes, y NI EN TARINGA LA TIENEN!! sonido excelente, imagen muy buena; NO ES DE CINE! aparentemente es ripeado de un DVD… no se como han hecho, es fantástico!(1)

02032907142 belongs to
Purports to be Microsoft Type of call:
Possible scamReport by
GP 9 years agoCall from and Indian accent female with same modus operandi as described by others. Even gave me an id computer refrerence so I could log on......no chance. Put the phone down!(1)

02032907142 belongs to
Microsoft Type of call:
Possible scamReport by
M Keates 9 years agocalled by an Indian lady who identified herself as Marie Williams (Not in the least bit Welsh, nor English.....). She said she was from the Technical Department from Microsoft
Asked me to hit the windows key and RR and was deeply offensive that I was not co-operative however kept on saying that my computer had been hacked
I asked for the number to verify and she offered the 0203 number
She called my personal number, not business one, hence me being more \'deliberate\' towards her! (1)

02032907142 belongs to
Microsoft ?? Type of call:
Possible scamReport by
Hacked Off 9 years agoToo many calls saying my computer is being hacked . He was from Microsoft ( ha ha )
At first he said his name was Jo but later when I asked for his name & number he was Alastair ( but definitely a foreign accent !! ) ask awkward questions and catch them out but do not open your computer !! (1)

02032907142 belongs to
Microsoft Type of call:
Possible scamReport by
Blobs 9 years agoHis name was Alastair and had a foreign accent !! Microsoft and hackers were tampering with my computer , I asked what computer ? Got him confused with my questions and he got annoyed . A total scam , do not switch on your computer . (1)

02032907142 belongs to
Microsoft Scam Type of call:
UnspecifiedReport by
Mr. Lawrence 9 years agoOh yes.... Definitely a scam - Asked if I could access my computer and enter some commands at the command prompt. This would allow him access to my computer. I asked him the name of his company and why he was calling me. He said \'Microsoft Partner\' When I demanded the actual, name of the company he was calling from he hung up!(1)

Type of call:
Possible scamReport by
Anonym 9 years agoCalled me using the name Harry Parker-definitely NOT english tho...telling me I was being hacked then kept changing the times when I said I will get my partner to call back and asked about the office hours. Told me they close at 16.30, then changed the time when I pointed out it was 16.35 and he had only just phoned me..then he told me to ring him back at 18.00. Very 'iffy' indeed! (1)

Type of call:
Possible scamReport by
R Evans 9 years agoOnce again, caller was from Microsoft. Told me that mobile hackers had accessed my computer. Wanted me to sign in and follow instructions. Even though he had a western name his accent wasn\'t. Same thing as others. Asked him why Microsoft was calling me and not my email provider. Got him very confused.
Told him I would ring him back after checking with my online safety provider.
Sounds like a definite scam.
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