02034574180, who called me?
Find if the phone number 02034574180 has been reported by our users, do not stand not knowing who calls you and who owns the phone number 02034574180. Have you received a call from this number and do not know who is?
Information about the phone 02034574180, 0203-4574180, (0203) 4574180, (0)-203-457-4180
Comments and reports for the phone 02034574180

02034574180 belongs to
aTZPcsSXH Type of call:
Sweepstakes / lotteryReport by
E2cIoPQdQ 8 years agoWhat #l6;hyperbo1ic&28817; praise are you referring to? I also can’t see any ‘re-writing’ of history, just you over reacting to any praise of Rudd and the way he’s handled things.BTW, have you listened to the interview? I don’t see how any fair minded person could not be impressed. Which naturally leaves out about 80% of the Canberra press gallery.(0)

02034574180 belongs to
Jeme1Ilp9 Type of call:
Missed CallReport by
RSDhRQLeWNuw 8 years agoabout the car I wouldn’t give him $ 2000 even if I COULD drive it home. Take the money and buy a less expensive foreign car (better gas mileage and more dependable) and wait a couple of years to buy a classic muscle car.Also, you sho#2dn&u8l17;t even consider buying a car without seeing it in person. Photos can be several years old, from when the car still looked good. This guy could be selling you a rusted out bucket of bolts.(0)

02034574180 belongs to
verso Type of call:
UnspecifiedReport by
David 9 years agobloody nuisances even got my name wrong (0)

02034574180 belongs to
I have no idea Type of call:
UnspecifiedReport by
Sally 9 years agoBlooming nuisance! Didn't speak for ages but didn't hang up. so I just carried on chatting to my husband. Finally a voice said hello and I said hello in a Leslie Phillips type of voice. They just hung up.(0)

02034574180 belongs to
Verso Type of call:
Harassment callReport by
Gail 9 years agoDon;'t answer. It is from a company called VERSO who will pester you to answer questions. They will simply hang up when you ask to be removed so don't waste you time even asking. I called the number and told them to remove me from their database immediately. (0)

Type of call:
UnspecifiedReport by
D Alberici 9 years agoreceived a call last night from this number. Didn't leave answerphone message
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