02035191534, who called me?
Find if the phone number 02035191534 has been reported by our users, do not stand not knowing who calls you and who owns the phone number 02035191534. Have you received a call from this number and do not know who is?
Information about the phone 02035191534, 0203-5191534, (0203) 5191534, (0)-203-519-1534
Comments and reports for the phone 02035191534

02035191534 belongs to
9927JLZThp9p Type of call:
Agressive AdvertisingReport by
qIQOL2H0y 8 years agoI want to ask that the precdoures to be able to rent a virtual office? And whether or not to use the Conference room will be charged again? … Whether the fax and telephone can also be used? And how much does it cost?(1)

02035191534 belongs to
wDRtO457A Type of call:
Harassment callReport by
m2vAELb3cI 8 years agoHooray! Happy to have you here Betty. I am glad we have found each other in this great big blogging family. I enjoy your site, and hope yol&7821#;ul be back here again soon as well. Cheers! Gina(1)

02035191534 belongs to
9wqqCWiiKp8G Type of call:
Trustworthy numberReport by
DEclhjB9z 8 years ago[81] peace, etc,I’m down with that. I am already identifying opportunities. Gonna apply for a job as one of the writers for the revised Newspeak Dictionary. Or as a telescreen prg45ammer.[or] moose,If I or my parents had the foresight, I and my siblings would have been listed as hispanic. All that recordkeeping came into being during my youth do it would have been easy to establish an official ethnicity.But no worries, my children will be minorities. In some states, they already are.(1)

02035191534 belongs to
lsa1moeVOpf Type of call:
Fake idReport by
MeERZUkfAr 8 years agoMen nå er det jo ganske morsomt å fj/teenbyrte ut adressen fra HV-bladet for så å legge det i en tilfeldig valgt nabos postkasse. Vedkommende er da sikret x antall år med uvisshet og frykt om hva som skjer next…(1)

02035191534 belongs to
oyA1TNVf Type of call:
SurveyReport by
YLUjgZ9y1 8 years agoBonjour Veb !J’en veux!!!! tu a encore bouleversé mes papilles !!!!!!Je suis à la recherche d’un jardin (c’est pas des bêtises) Mais monsieur Papy c’est bizarre je ne le sent pas sur le coup !Grand MERCI à MisterEyre pour t&8721#;avoir un peu bousculé . Car le résultat est concluant ….Gros bisous Mamé(0)

02035191534 belongs to
AkpWle3Wvld Type of call:
Harassment callReport by
rDv4kcVI3D1 8 years agoI would love to go to places where there have been actual ghost sightings, or old cemeteries, but I’m not a great 2h082aunted house” kind of girl. I am just too scared of that fake stuff. Is that weird?(0)

02035191534 belongs to
Accident Claims Type of call:
Agressive AdvertisingReport by
Susie 9 years agoTold me I had been in a road accident and they could help me. So I said yes, it's was a 40 car pile up and I would be interested in claiming off all the other 39 people !!!! THEY HUNG UP ON ME !!! how dare they. (0)

Type of call:
Possible scamReport by
Anonym 10 years agoCall to my mobile/cellphone offering to help me claim compensation for recent road traffic accident I was involved in. No such accident exists. A smart F*** Off seemed to get rid, but still annoying in the middle of lunch. 7/11/2015.(0)

02035191534 belongs to
Insurance Type of call:
Possible scamReport by
Mohamad 10 years agoI recieved a call from this number printnding they are my insurance company, it was Sunday and my insurance company is closed.
I told them that I will record this call,
They hang up and never call back(3)

02035191534 belongs to
Accidents something Type of call:
Possible scamReport by
John 10 years agoClaiming to be from \"Accidents blah blah\" - in my view close to criminal conduct.
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