07509701166, who called me?
Find if the phone number 07509701166 has been reported by our users, do not stand not knowing who calls you and who owns the phone number 07509701166. Have you received a call from this number and do not know who is?
Information about the phone 07509701166, 0750-9701166, (0750) 9701166, (0)-750-970-1166
Comments and reports for the phone 07509701166

07509701166 belongs to
ht3SulLK4X Type of call:
Agressive AdvertisingReport by
r3zrpJq8mOCD 8 years agoyoyo til dere som lurer, har jeg vært så heldig og fått slaven min, en kompis som er i usa til å kjøpe den for meg!!! den kostet 3200/3400,- uten abonoment da;)Elen: yeah, får prøve å passe litt på denne dingsen hvlitfael.Lrllian: yes, stod mellom de to, men er flaut elendig i touch, så chillan, men du blir heeelt sikkert kjempe fornøyd med den og=)(1)

07509701166 belongs to
G4C6WPoF5J55 Type of call:
SurveyReport by
4uSsgDHr9 8 years agothooenelyrainbowRlbert is everything. Everything I desire, his voice, his smile, he’s truly beautiful. Such a good sense of humor, amazing music taste. I just love him, inside and out.(1)

07509701166 belongs to
lWnwT4donjt Type of call:
Agressive AdvertisingReport by
YKv6QzqAf 8 years agoYes yes yes to Part IV. This is so important. (and I am so very dumb.)I really appreciate the work you’re doing here to be sure everyone’s experience on Twitter is as productive (and no??cestrudtiven-) as possible.Hooray!(0)

07509701166 belongs to
No idea Type of call:
Possible scamReport by
GhostRecon10 10 years agoReceived 2 missed calls today from this number. I called it and I received a voice recording in an American woman\'s voice \"this number is not in service\".
A few weeks ago I received a phone call form a scouse git stating that I had a car accident recently. I kept the useless article on the phone for ages and slated him and his poor use of the English language!
Spammers, beware, you call me, email me and give me grief I will grind you down! you will get bored before I do especially when I\'ve had a crap day, there\'s nothing more pleasurable than taking it out on a spammer! The low life scum bags hang up before I do, after, they pay for the phone call!
I don\'t like the scouse accent on a good day, sounds like someone gobbing down my ear. I HATE it even more when some useless piece of crap phones ME and tells ME I have had a car accident! Take a long walk over a short pier :-)

Type of call:
Possible scamReport by
Anonym 10 years agoscouse called saying I have had a car accident, they ring me all the time. scammers need reporting(0)

Type of call:
Possible scamReport by
tucktuck49 10 years agoJust received a call from this number asking for me by name but a name I have not gone by for nearly 5 years so how they have got that information I do not know especially when I avoid giving my number out at all costs! Same as previous a scouse accent most definitely in a call centre due to the background noise, I just told her the person she wanted was not available and hung up.
This is the 3rd call of similar nature I have had this week, 3 different numbers but all scouse and all asking for my former name. Scammers!!(0)

Type of call:
UnspecifiedReport by
Anonym 10 years agoSomeone called Lee supposingly from Arc legal regarding car accident.....asked if he would take our number from his dialler and he said he would if we said pretty please ....four calls tonight and a voice message saying he will call in the morning for our please(0)

Type of call:
Possible scamReport by
Anonym 11 years agojust received a call from this number and they knew my name asking if I or anyone had been in a road collision. I think she said calling from First Legal. When I said no she hung up. Presuming a scam but how did they get my name and number!!! (1)

Type of call:
UnspecifiedReport by
anon 11 years agoI have recieved 2 calls from this number today its comes up on my mobile as a call from Jersey however when answered it was a guy with a scouse accent. This guy asked for me by my name and enquiring about a car accident I had last week. When I said I do not have a car he hung up!!! How do these people get our numbers and details????(3)

07509701166 belongs to
Hacker 27895 Type of call:
Possible scamReport by
The Asgard 11 years agoThis number been constant ringing my phone for many days for the past view months but no fear there not the only ones that can bounce a number on the grid so it can back fire like every time they do now I get a target machine code and uploaded my own Aurora virus to do some damage to there machines not before giving me all the data to use against them, there is more than one of them playing this game so guessing its a group possibly cyber gang all with low end PCs and nothing better to do. I know they are probably reading this right now so here\'s a message for them ( Next Time you ring my phone your PC will fry ) Big Smiles :)
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