08437240548, who called me?
Find if the phone number 08437240548 has been reported by our users, do not stand not knowing who calls you and who owns the phone number 08437240548. Have you received a call from this number and do not know who is?
Information about the phone 08437240548, 0843-7240548, (0843) 7240548, (0)-843-724-0548
Comments and reports for the phone 08437240548

08437240548 belongs to
Debt management Type of call:
Harassment callReport by
Ricky 10 years agoThey keep harassing an elderly lady. They call over 10 times a day. This is pure criminal(0)

Type of call:
UnspecifiedReport by
Anonym 10 years agodoes anybody know there address(0)

08437240548 belongs to
uk debt help line Type of call:
Harassment callReport by
rick 10 years agoringing me up to 3 times per hour throughout the day not fair these people can get away with making peoples lives a misery (0)

Type of call:
Harassment callReport by
wayne 10 years agoThis number called me 8 times in one day and after i asked person and pressing 9 to opt out (0)

08437240548 belongs to
UK help debt line! Type of call:
Possible scamReport by
K 10 years agoThe landline UK offices of this 0843 number is 0161 854 0204 I called the 01618540204 number three times - on asking to have my number removed, twice they hung up - the third time, I suggested legal action if they refused to delist me, and the arrogant girl simply said \"Fine, but we won\'t remove you anyway!\" It seems these faceless immoral workers and companies think they are beyond reproach or accountability for their interference in our lives. Let\'s bring them down! Keep phoning their 0161 number (it\'s free) and research into their organization. If enough of us do it, they will have to listen and we\'ll finally rid ourselves of these pirates!I called the 01618540204 number three times - on asking to have my number removed, twice they hung up - the third time, I suggested legal action if they refused to delist me, and the arrogant girl simply said \"Fine, but we won\'t remove you anyway!\" It seems these faceless immoral workers and companies think they are beyond reproach or accountability for their interference in our lives. Let\'s bring them down! Keep phoning their 0161 number (it\'s free) and research into their organization. If enough of us do it, they will have to listen and we\'ll finally rid ourselves of these pirates!(1)

08437240548 belongs to
Government backed debt something Type of call:
Harassment callReport by
Sarah 10 years agoI\'ve already had 9 phone this morning off these people.... So sick of it I\'ve tried to speak to 3 people 2hung up on me and the third didn\'t really listen so sick of it... (0)

Type of call:
UnspecifiedReport by
eric 10 years agoumpteen phone calls from this number, does anyone know thier address, so I can take them to court, as it appears that useless OFCOM are not doing anything about it.(0)

08437240548 belongs to
Dont know. Type of call:
Missed CallReport by
Sick of it!!! 10 years agoI have 10 missed calls from this number today, at worst up to 3 calls per hour! Been happening for a week but call volume increases each time, not impressed. (0)

Type of call:
Harassment callReport by
Peed Off 10 years agoClaims to be for government scheme. Have asked repeatedly to stop. Have reported each call to ICO but 7 or 8 calls in just over two weeks is harassment.(0)

08437240548 belongs to
didn\'t answer Type of call:
UnspecifiedReport by
LB 10 years agocalled me as well but I never pick up unknown callers. if they don\'t leave a message it can\'t be urgent.I now look up these calls and just block them on the reject option so it doesn\'t even ring your phone and goes straight to reject-they don\'t try after that. since doing this only have a few spam calls a week, but yeh, totally unacceptable. They can\'t actually get any business from these calls so why do they bother? it\'s time to legislate.
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