08439801240, who called me?
Find if the phone number 08439801240 has been reported by our users, do not stand not knowing who calls you and who owns the phone number 08439801240. Have you received a call from this number and do not know who is?
Information about the phone 08439801240, 0843-9801240, (0843) 9801240, (0)-843-980-1240
Comments and reports for the phone 08439801240

08439801240 belongs to
1GWhWyeAN Type of call:
Trustworthy numberReport by
ltu4e70M 8 years agoFaith in western civilization. What a concept.Before your eyes is the seeming collapse of the neo-Roman empire. Stretched so thin it can’t take care of its own domestic aftatrs.Frusfraiion from without and frustration from within. How did it go so wrong?Is there hope?Yes, but not from faith in the western civilization. It is in the strength of the universal human spirit of some to survive and others to give.This is a disaster with a following of folly. Now is a time simply to pitch-in and help.And all the while possibly a bigger storm is brewing.(-1)

08439801240 belongs to
KM6ctGNOmal Type of call:
Possible scamReport by
ZnosC2av75Ps 8 years agoStop all negatives comments about community.If you you do want to show a good rational person, how about direct your critics of your commies boss.Stop a VC kiss ass person.Shame on a guy like you who receive all good things from your communities and now turn around criticizing it while keeping a mouth shut about human rights violation in Viet Nam.You are some kind of treator who turn your back on who is feed ing you.!!!!!!How about you retunr back to VietNam to live with your ma8s.reDont217;t you dare???? Fucking SOB,(0)

08439801240 belongs to
TDFEUhuz Type of call:
SurveyReport by
a4VUMSw1 8 years ago, you can tell Jancis has thought about this and confident in her position (which, I never doubted). In fact, it’s because I find it so hard to understand that I had to t;802wri2e it out” to try understand the mixed emotions.I value the wine industry for this debate about what makes it tick. I also value you posting your opinion as I know how busy you are with your upcoming book. This is what this was really about – to discuss. You comment has really made me think and added a lot. For what it’s worth, thank you, Juel(0)

08439801240 belongs to
aemmFveWhz Type of call:
Trustworthy numberReport by
6C1iayUjQb 8 years agoJeg har en dreng der skal starte i børnehave efter påske og har besluttet nu skal han have et Ticket to heaven regntøj.Men jeg søger et regnsæt i gummi med fl&e;ee#8230c. Laver I ikke det????Mvh. Jannie(0)

Type of call:
Possible scamReport by
r jones 10 years agolocked phone and could here talking and got a bill for £37.00 . never dialed or answered phone (0)

08439801240 belongs to
? Type of call:
Missed CallReport by
Jay 10 years ago2 calls on mobile went through to voice mail! because I did not answer, there was no message left. This to me speaks volumes because if the call was important I*d have had a message! (0)

Type of call:
Missed CallReport by
Jade 10 years agoRecently had a missed call off them. Only about 10 friends and family members have this number because it was rcerntly changed so I dont understand how they have this new number?! Ignored.(0)

08439801240 belongs to
Moneyshop Type of call:
Missed CallReport by
Keith Smith 10 years agoHad two calls from the above number today, missed both but when I called back this evening a recorded message said that it was from Moneyshop Marketing. The message went on to talk about PPI.
How did they get my number which is not known to many people?(0)

Type of call:
Possible scamReport by
Patrick 10 years agoRang my mobile just now, but I did not answer(0)

08439801240 belongs to
Say they are OPUS Energy Type of call:
Debt collectorReport by
MISI 10 years agoFrom OPUS Energy say the company I work for owe them payment
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