08439801240, who called me?
Find if the phone number 08439801240 has been reported by our users, do not stand not knowing who calls you and who owns the phone number 08439801240. Have you received a call from this number and do not know who is?
Information about the phone 08439801240, 0843-9801240, (0843) 9801240, (0)-843-980-1240
Comments and reports for the phone 08439801240

08439801240 belongs to
Don\'t know Type of call:
Possible scamReport by
Mary 10 years agothis number keeps ringing my mobile I don\'t answer it people on here have said it\'s an accident claim scam so def do not answer(0)

08439801240 belongs to
Don\'t know Type of call:
Possible scamReport by
Smallholder 10 years agoCalled twice within an hour. Accident compensation scam.(1)

Type of call:
Harassment callReport by
Anonym 10 years agoIv never given this number out only to my family and close friends, they called me really early and I was
Worried because iv not long buried my son and
That was an early unknown number that informed me

Type of call:
UnspecifiedReport by
AR 10 years agoHad this number calling me twice on separate days. Did not answer as did not recognise number. I never give out my mobile number to anyone so how did they get it?(-1)

Type of call:
Missed CallReport by
Margaret 10 years agoI keep getting calls to my mobile from this number, I never answer.(0)

08439801240 belongs to
They do not say Type of call:
Possible scamReport by
Jim 10 years agoAnswered call was a taped voice about an accident within the past 2 years, push 5 to find out how much your due or push 9 to opt out from getting calls, I pushed 9 only thing is its the second time I have done so, have now blocked the number.(0)

08439801240 belongs to
Don\'t know Type of call:
UnspecifiedReport by
Sue Cameron 10 years agoGet called by this number at all hours both on landline and on my mobile. Don\'t know who it is as I do not answer, but they are a real pest. (2)

Type of call:
Missed CallReport by
Anonym 10 years agokeep getting calls from this don\'t answer - suspect accident or ppi or some other nonesence(1)

08439801240 belongs to
don\'t know Type of call:
Missed CallReport by
Samia 10 years agoThank God I was asleep when that number called xD(2)

08439801240 belongs to
an energy company Type of call:
Agressive AdvertisingReport by
Phoebe Sillerson 10 years agoSome gash about energy bills
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