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08446480190, who called me?

Find if the phone number 08446480190 has been reported by our users, do not stand not knowing who calls you and who owns the phone number 08446480190. Have you received a call from this number and do not know who is? Information about the phone 08446480190, 0844-6480190, (0844) 6480190, (0)-844-648-0190

Comments and reports for the phone 08446480190
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08446480190 belongs to 6FNPwDQspTR7      Type of call: Harassment call
Report by pZLtPPHBvh0 8 years ago
Sign. I think that the plan is that she will go to the Arc. She went to Japan last fall and did not do so well. Since her return to Euorpe, she has bounced back.
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08446480190 belongs to xQKj3JZv      Type of call: Agressive Advertising
Report by rkH3H5bmirS 8 years ago
yes she did and I asked her what was life like on the farm when she was young and what kind of farm it was. She told me all that she knew, that she lived on a sheep farm for a few years and then they moved on to a cow farm where they did minlkig and sold the milk.
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08446480190 belongs to No name given      Type of call: Agressive Advertising
Report by Paul Skelton 9 years ago
Oven Cleaning rubbish. Recorded and automated message. Wast of my time answering the phone. I never asked them to sell me this product. Once they had finished I just left the phone off the hook, hoping that stuffed them for phoning someone else at the other end.
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08446480190 belongs to \"your local oven cleaning company\"      Type of call: Unspecified
Report by Richard Green 9 years ago
Some again here, oven cleaning. They don\'t give a company name.
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08446480190 belongs to dont know      Type of call: Missed Call
Report by ian 9 years ago
i had this number ring me at 8pm tuesday sept 1st i never answered typical they never leave a message i guess its scammers
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08446480190 belongs to Local Oven Cleaning Company      Type of call: Agressive Advertising
Report by Diane Field 9 years ago
Local oven cleaning and barbeque company. Press 1 to speak to somebody, 5 to have name removed. ignored TPS. Rang 7pm Bank holiday. Recorded message.
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08446480190 belongs to \'local oven cleaning company\'      Type of call: Agressive Advertising
Report by Diane 9 years ago
Recorded message from oven cleaning company and BBQ cleaning. Press 1 to speak to them or press 5 to be taken off their list. Ignored TPS. Phoned Bank holiday evening 7pm.
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08446480190 belongs to Oven Cleaning company      Type of call: Agressive Advertising
Report by Alastair Chisholm 9 years ago
Same as the rest - Oven Cleaning, ignored TPS
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08446480190 belongs to OVEN Cleaning      Type of call: Agressive Advertising
Report by pissedoffwithrecordedsalescalls 9 years ago
unwanted and unsolicited phone call - a recorded message for an oven and bbq cleaning service press 1 to talk to someone press 5 to stop calls from them (and then again) press 1 to talk to someone. its 0844 number if you press one (from past experience) to talk to someone it more than likely will charge you for the call. I have pressed 5 and still receive phone calls. they are calling my ill father as well several times a day ignoring TPS
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08446480190 belongs to Some berk.      Type of call: Agressive Advertising
Report by John 9 years ago
Oven cleaning service! Twice now in 2 days!
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