03330067350, who called me?
Find if the phone number 03330067350 has been reported by our users, do not stand not knowing who calls you and who owns the phone number 03330067350. Have you received a call from this number and do not know who is?
Information about the phone 03330067350, 0333-0067350, (0333) 0067350, (0)-333-006-7350
Comments and reports for the phone 03330067350

03330067350 belongs to
Brighton Scammers Gibson/Davis/STURGESS Type of call:
UnspecifiedReport by
The one 3 years agoNow I wonder what the other numbskulls of these companies are doing, perhaps Secretary General of Menca or UK ambassador to the UN (0)

03330067350 belongs to
Stuart Gibson Type of call:
Possible scamReport by
Banana Baroness 3 years agoWho are they spit roasting on the fire ? STURGESS ? (6)

03330067350 belongs to
Stuart Gibson Type of call:
Possible scamReport by
Sue 3 years agoRecent reports suggest that Stuart Gibson, previously a Director of Service Monkey, Home Cover Group, Mogen Business Hub and numerous other failed ventures has now set up a hot-dog stall trading as Just Pig Food Limited. (0)

03330067350 belongs to
service monkey rob sturgess Type of call:
Harassment callReport by
Shirley Carters Pussy 3 years agoUpdate, Sturgess has a new fraudulent cv on Linked in 100 percent verified as his, he is apparently an office manager for Bab insure in Peterbrough and has apparemtly been a broker for Barklays Bank since 2009 no mention of the fraudulent companies he was running during this time frame or the fact that he would harass workers using sexist, homophobic and racist language , hardly beffiting qualifications for an office manadger, I wonder what happened to the inflatable dingi/yacht amd the box of knock off Parker pen. I'm assuming he wasn't bus driver materials (4)

03330067350 belongs to
rob sturgess Type of call:
UnspecifiedReport by
Lorraine Murray 3 years agoyou are disgusting individuals !(0)

03330067350 belongs to
Service Monkey Type of call:
UnspecifiedReport by
Totally legitimate businessman 3 years agoWe would have given everyone a refund but we were forsed to cease trading due to all the complaints, we are totally innocent !(0)

03330067350 belongs to
service monkey rob sturgess Type of call:
Harassment callReport by
scilence of the scams 3 years agolooks like Sturgess is trying to get service monkey voluntarily struck off again(0)

03330067350 belongs to
Yes Consumer Solutions Type of call:
Possible scamReport by
Night Owl 4 years agoAgreed, please ensure comments remain relevant and appropriate to the discussion subject.(4)

03330067350 belongs to
Yes consumer solutions/Paul Eliot. Scam Type of call:
UnspecifiedReport by
Ex 4 years agoTo the illiterate moron who posted the last 3 slam posts, go away. This is a serious discussion about the brighton based fraudsters, PaulElliot, Rob Sturgess, Ed Plant Ect. Please refrain from posting spam (-4)

Type of call:
Sweepstakes / lotteryReport by
NYC NY Commercial moving companies 4 years agoAfter i at first still left a comment I surface to obtain clicked on the -Notify me when new feedback are extra- checkbox and To any extent further when a comment is included I get four emails with the exact same remark. Probably There may be a simple method you are able to take out me from that provider? Lots of thanks!
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