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03330067350, who called me?

Find if the phone number 03330067350 has been reported by our users, do not stand not knowing who calls you and who owns the phone number 03330067350. Have you received a call from this number and do not know who is? Information about the phone 03330067350, 0333-0067350, (0333) 0067350, (0)-333-006-7350

Comments and reports for the phone 03330067350
(11) Very helpful Not helpful
03330067350 belongs to PAul Elliot/Rob Sturgess      Type of call: Possible scam
Report by Baroness Queefmore 3 years ago
Well according to the other review sights he has already absconded to avoid the fine, perhaps he has borrowed Sturgess’s yacht and fled with the office landlords furniture lol
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03330067350 belongs to Yes Consumer Solutions      Type of call: Possible scam
Report by Anon 3 years ago
Idiots rationalize their stupidity to themselves, but I wonder if Elliott can rationalize a £170K fine.
(8) Very helpful Not helpful
03330067350 belongs to Yes Consumer Solutions/Paul Elliot/Rob Sturgess/Gu      Type of call: Possible scam
Report by Ex 3 years ago
Update Yes Consumer Solutions had been fined £170k for making unsolicited calls to TPS users, many of them under the guise of Sturgess the bus driver when he was running his service monkey company from the same location.
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03330067350 belongs to ROB STURGESS IGLOO DIRECT      Type of call: Unspecified
Report by The informant 4 years ago
UPDATE, ROB STURGESS HAS CHANGED THE NAME OF SERVICE MONKEY TO IGLOO DIRECT LTD BASED IN BRIGHTON , continuing to scam the elderly as per the latest trustpilot review for service monkey 0800 005 1203
(5) Very helpful Not helpful
03330067350 belongs to service monkey rob sturgess      Type of call: Possible scam
Report by ex 4 years ago
100 percent agree, that's what happened with Rob Sturgess amd service monkey which is still active after dissolution was suspended following theor appearance om rip off Britain
(2) Very helpful Not helpful
03330067350 belongs to Seaview Brokers & Adur Financial - Ashley Davis      Type of call: Unspecified
Report by Anon 4 years ago
In the past their ability to avoid any consequence was much easier, but things are rapidly changing and the government is taking a firmer approach to rogue companies. I have noticed several filings to dissolve companies have been suspended and I can only imagine this is due to reports from consumers. If the authorities have suspended the companies from dissolving, this can only suggest they are investigating the actions of those companies. Hopefully, this will lead to criminal convictions.
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03330067350 belongs to Seaview Brokers & Adur Financial - Ashley Davis      Type of call: Possible scam
Report by Ex 4 years ago
They keep doing it because they very rarely get put in prison and just dissolve their companies and run. The fact that they are so blatant about mocking their victims online is an indication of their character
(1) Very helpful Not helpful
03330067350 belongs to Utility Cover Limited      Type of call: Possible scam
Report by Anon 4 years ago
Good to know the FCA were quick off the mark. Seems crazy these individuals can operate this way and take advantage of honest people. Looks as if she resigned as a Director, but I hope an investigation is underway.
(3) Very helpful Not helpful
03330067350 belongs to Scammers      Type of call: Possible scam
Report by EX 4 years ago
Because It was a scam form the beginning with a fake director listed, the FCA shut down their website which didn’t help and they were forcibly liquidated rather than dissolved, this company also is connected to utility cover ltd run by Abigail Walker/Michaela Louise Mowlam (which ever name she goes by now) - who I’d the director of Swiss solutions ltd. She new she was going to get busted so sold the data of utility cover to cover utility team, another scam and ran with the money
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03330067350 belongs to Seaview Brokers & Adur Financial - Ashley Davis      Type of call: Unspecified
Report by Anon 4 years ago
A couple of new companies have appeared, one is Seaview Brokers (apparently offering warranties on home appliances) and the other Adur Financial. Both Directors of Seaview Brokers have resigned, with no new Director appointed, but one of the Seaview Brokers Directors is also a Director of Adur Financial along with Ashley Davis.
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